Ricardo Martins 0000-0001-7184-185X

CRediT roles
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Impact Indicators

influential works









Productivity Indicators








+ 28 missing works
Open Science Practice Indicators

open access share


open access works


open access influential works

Career Stage Indicators

academic age


fair academic age

* All BIP! Scholar profile indicators are calculated based on data and processes elaborated in the Indicators page. Please read the respective descriptions carefully to learn about the proper interpretation and limitations of each indicator before using it for any purpose.

List of works

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45 results (2 pages)
Faria, Diego R., Martins, Ricardo, Dias, Jorge
N/A · 2010
Artificial intelligence |         Computer vision |        
Faria, Diego R., Martins, Ricardo Filipe Alves, Lobo, Jorge, Dias
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems · 2010
Artificial intelligence |         Computer vision |        
Martins, Ricardo, Faria, Diego, Dias, Jorge
N/A · 2010
Human–computer interaction |         Artificial intelligence |        
Faria, Diego, Martins, Ricardo Filipe Alves, Dias, Jorge
N/A · 2010
Artificial intelligence |         Human–computer interaction |         Computer vision |        
Martins, Ricardo
Zenodo · 2010
Pirjo Isohanni, T. Loennqvist, Tarja Linnankivi, Johanna Uusimaa, A. Harju, Anders Paetau, Hannu Kal (...)
Epilepsia · 2009
Library science |        
Faria, Diego, Martins, Ricardo Filipe Alves, Dias, Jorge
N/A · 2009
Artificial intelligence |         Machine learning |        
Dourado A., Martins R., Duarte J., Direito B.
N/A · 2008
Artificial intelligence |         Machine learning |         Neuroscience |        
Martins, Ricardo
N/A · 2008
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V., Figueiras, Edite
Zenodo · 2007
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V., Figueiras, Edite
Zenodo · 2007
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V., Figueiras, Edite
Zenodo · 2007
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V.
Zenodo · 2007
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V., Figueiras, Edite
Zenodo · 2007
Martins, Ricardo, Duarte, João V.
Zenodo · 2007

Missing works

Distinct oscillatory patterns differentiate between segregation and integration processes (...)
N/A · 2024
Teoria da Mente implícita na Esquizofrenia e Doença Bipolar: padrões cerebrais distinti (...)
N/A · 2023
Distinct functional connectivity patterns in dopaminergic and limbic pathways underlying t (...)
N/A · 2023
Distinct oscillatory patterns differentiate between segregation and integration processes (...)
N/A · 2023
A structural MRI study of cortical complexity features of major depression, schizophrenia, (...)
N/A · 2023
Synaptic density marker, SV2A, is reduced in autistic adults
N/A · 2023
Nervous system plasticity in stroke: functional magnetic resonance and PET
N/A · 2022
The role of motion adaptation in bottom-up mechanisms of perceptual decision-making
N/A · 2022
Texture Quantification Parameters for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis measured by 11C- (R)- (...)
N/A · 2021
Distinct roles of beta and gamma oscillations during integration of ambiguous motion
N/A · 2019
Unraveling the neural correlates of perceptual hysteresis: the effects of perceptual histo (...)
N/A · 2018
Evidence for asymmetric perceptual adaptation to coherent and incoherent moving plaids
N/A · 2018
Beta oscillations reflect perceptual experience under ambiguous stimulation but not in the (...)
N/A · 2017
Long-range interhemispheric binding of bistable surface motion reflects bottom-up processe (...)
N/A · 2017
The Perceptual Integration of Visual Motion Revealed by hMT+ Interhemispheric Connectivity (...)
N/A · 2017
Beta oscillations during motion integration and segmentation: evidence of binding or perce (...)
N/A · 2017
High-resolution 7T fMRI data on the perceptual long-range segregation vs. integration of b (...)
N/A · 2017
Maintenance of perceptual stability of interhemispheric surface motion is associated with (...)
N/A · 2017
Study of motion adaptation and its role in deciding between competing surface representati (...)
N/A · 2017
Development of techniques for haptic exploration and recognition of objects - a contributi (...)
N/A · 2017
Binding of ambiguous visual stimuli is associated with changes in beta power but not with (...)
N/A · 2016
Long-range perceptual integration of visual motion revealed at high resolution 7T fMRI
N/A · 2016
Perceptual interpretation of visual motion revealed at high resolution 7T fMRI: differenti (...)
N/A · 2015
Increased synchrony correlates with visual binding: a study on visual integration on healt (...)
N/A · 2015
Perceptual motion integration correlates with long range neural synchrony: a study on the (...)
N/A · 2014
Touch attention Bayesian models for robotic active haptic exploration
N/A · 2013
Touch attention Bayesian models for object feature extraction in robotic blind manipulatio (...)
N/A · 2012
Open Code, journal paper: Identification of competing neural mechanisms underlying positiv (...)
N/A · N/A