Inês A. T. Almeida 0000-0003-0230-3075

CRediT roles
Work type
Impact Indicators

influential works









Career Stage Indicators

academic age


fair academic age

Productivity Indicators








+ 44 missing works
Open Science Practice Indicators

open access share


open access works


open access influential works

* All BIP! Scholar profile indicators are calculated based on data and processes elaborated in the Indicators page. Please read the respective descriptions carefully to learn about the proper interpretation and limitations of each indicator before using it for any purpose.

List of works

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22 results
Alexandre Sayal, Ana Gabriela Guedes, Inês Almeida, Daniela Jardim Pereira, César Lima, Renato Pan (...)
N/A · 2024
Cognitive psychology |         Neuroscience |        
Buchanan, Erin M., Lewis, Savannah C., Paris, Bastien, Forscher, Patrick S., Pavlacic, Jeffrey M., B (...)
Scientific Data · 2023
Social psychology |         Clinical psychology |        
Erin Michelle Buchanan, Savannah C Lewis, Bastien Paris, Patrick S. Forscher, Jeffrey Michael Pavlac (...)
N/A · 2022
Social psychology |         Applied psychology |         Clinical psychology |        
Legate, Nicole, Ngyuen, Thuy-vy, Weinstein, Netta, Moller, Arlen, Legault, Lisa, Vally, Zahir, Tajch (...)
N/A · 2021
Social psychology |        
IJzerman, Hans, Ropovik, Ivan, Ebersole, Charles, Tidwell, Natasha, Markiewicz, Łukasz, de Lima, Ti (...)
Nature Human Behaviour · 2021
Clinical psychology |         Social psychology |        
Legate, Nicole, Ngyuen, Thuy-vy, Weinstein, Netta, Moller, Arlen, Legault, Lisa, Vally, Zahir, Tajch (...)
N/A · 2021
Social psychology |        
Oleksandr Berezko, Laura M. Palma Medina, Giulia Malaguarnera, Inês Almeida, Agnieszka Żyra, Sothe (...)
F1000Research · 2021
Public relations |         Social science |        
Berezko, Oleksandr, Palma Medina, Laura M., Malaguarnera, Giulia, Almeida, Inês, Żyra, Agnieszka, (...)
Zenodo · 2021
Data science |         Library science |        
Almeida, Ines, Malaguarnera, Giulia, Hnatkova, Eva, Tata, Mathew
N/A · 2021
Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., (...)
N/A · 2020
Social psychology |         Public relations |        
Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., (...)
N/A · 2020
Social psychology |        
Barreiros, Ana Rita, Almeida, Inês, Correia Baía, Bárbara, Castelo-Branco, Miguel
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience · 2019
Cognitive psychology |         Neuroscience |        
Marques, Cristiana de Campos, Almeida, Inês, Santos, Sara, Freitas, Paula Cristina de Oliveira de C (...)
International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health · 2017
Cognitive psychology |         Clinical psychology |        
Paula Banca, Valerie Voon, Martin D. Vestergaard, Gregor Philipiak, Inês Almeida, Fernando Pocinho, (...)
Brain · 2015
Audiology |         Clinical psychology |         Neuroscience |        
Inês Almeida, Sandra C Soares, Miguel Castelo-Branco
PLOS ONE · 2015
Neuroscience |         Cognitive psychology |        
Almeida, Inês, van Asselen, Marieke, Castelo-Branco, Miguel
Neuropsychologia · 2013
Neuroscience |         Cognitive psychology |         Audiology |        
Dores, A. R., Almeida, I., Barbosa, F., Castelo-Branco, M., Monteiro, L., Reis, Sousa, L. de, Caldas (...)
NeuroRehabilitation · 2013
Cognitive psychology |         Neuroscience |        
van Asselen, Marieke, Almeida, Inês, Júlio, Filipa, Januário, Cristina, Campos, Elzbieta Bobrowic (...)
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society · 2012
Audiology |         Cognitive psychology |         Developmental psychology |        
van Asselen, M, Júlio, F, Januário, C, Campos, EB, Almeida, I, Cavaco, S, Castelo-Branco
Frontiers in Psychology · 2012
Cognitive psychology |         Audiology |         Developmental psychology |        
Sampaio, Joana, Campos, Elzbieta Bobrowicz, André, Rui, Almeida, Inês, Faria, Pedro, Januário, Cr (...)
Neuropsychologia · 2011
Neuroscience |         Cognitive psychology |         Audiology |        
van Asselen, Marieke, Almeida, Inês, André, Rui, Januário, Cristina, Gonçalves, António Freire, (...)
Neuropsychologia · 2009
Cognitive psychology |         Neuroscience |        
M. van Asselen, Cristina Januário, António Freire, Rui Andre, Inês Almeida, Miguel Castelo-Branco
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders · 2007
Cognitive psychology |         Neuroscience |        

Missing works

Adaptation of the Swedish Core Affect Scale to the Portuguese population: preliminary resu (...)
N/A · 2023
Criar uma Comunidade de Ciência Aberta: passos e desafios na Universidade de Coimbra
N/A · 2023
Testing the Modulatory Role of Affective States During Effortful Actions Selection
N/A · 2023
On hemispheric specialization: a systematic review and meta-analysis of orbitofrontal acti (...)
N/A · 2023
Clube Ciência Viva CIBIT - Clube de Ciência na Escola 2019/20/21
N/A · 2021
A global test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
N/A · 2021
Brain Awareness Week 2017 – Topic: Duas neurocientistas, dois percursos diferentes (Scie (...)
N/A · 2017
Partners but playing separate roles: how the OFC and Amygdala represent social predictive (...)
N/A · 2017
Should “eye” trust you again? An fMRI study on decision-making
N/A · 2017
Should “eye” trust you: How the OFC and amygdala represent predictive cues of monetary (...)
N/A · 2017
School visit at IBILI – Topic: Economic games in Brain research. (Science Communication (...)
N/A · 2016
The role of the amygdala in facial trustworthiness processing: A systematic review and met (...)
N/A · 2016
The role of the core and extended face networks in visual perception and high level social (...)
N/A · 2016
Tracking facial trustworthiness and reward during a trust game: an fMRI study
N/A · 2016
Addiction and Other Psychiatric Disorders in a Population of Portuguese Prisoners.effects (...)
N/A · 2015
Brain Awareness Week 2015 – Topic: The brain and its secrets (O cérebro e os seus segre (...)
N/A · 2015
Neural correlates of trustworthiness during a neuroeconomic Trust Game: An fMRI Study
N/A · 2015
The role of the amygdala in trust games: A systematic review and meta-analysis
N/A · 2014
What direction of eye gaze tells us about other’s trustworthiness: a behavioural study
N/A · 2014
Brain Awareness Week 2013 – Topic: The magical brain (O cérebro mágico) (Science Commu (...)
N/A · 2013
Fear-Relevant Animal Faces and Bodies: the Role of Spatial Location in Threat Detection (o (...)
N/A · 2013
Hemispheric asymmetries and snake threat detection in the human amygdala: an fMRI study
N/A · 2013
PhD work dissemination through the radio station RUC, program "Caminhos da investigação" (...)
N/A · 2013
Right hemisphere dominance during snakes detection is evident in the amygdala, pulvinar an (...)
N/A · 2013
1st Coffee of science – Topic: The mysteries of emotions (Café de Ciência: Os Mistéri (...)
N/A · 2012
Activities with families – Topic: Discover your brain (Actividades em Família - Descobr (...)
N/A · 2012
Does the Amygdala Respond Stronger to Snakes Appearing in the Periphery? A fMRI on Visual (...)
N/A · 2012
Neural Pathways involved in the processing of central an peripheral visual threat signals (...)
N/A · 2012
Right hemispheric bias in early retinotopic areas when explicitly detecting threat in the (...)
N/A · 2012
Are ecologically relevant stimuli more effective in the visual periphery?
N/A · 2011
The neural correlates of implicit and explicit threat processing in central and peripheral (...)
N/A · 2011
The response of the right human amygdala is stronger to central vs peripheral animal faces (...)
N/A · 2011
A neurophysiological study on the effects of duration and awareness on the processing of e (...)
N/A · 2010
Dissociable effects of stimulus Duration and Awareness on Skin Conductance Responses to Em (...)
N/A · 2010
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach
N/A · 2010
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach (oral co (...)
N/A · 2010
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional faces reflect separable stimulus duration a (...)
N/A · 2010
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional content in faces reflect separable stimulus (...)
N/A · 2009
Aprendizagem implícita de informação contextual em doentes de Parkinson (oral communica (...)
N/A · 2007
Dissociable memory impairments after selective bilateral fornix damage
N/A · 2007
Implicit context learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
N/A · 2007
The role of the basal ganglia in implicit context learning
N/A · 2007
Visual search and perceptual learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
N/A · 2007
Integraçao visuomotora na Doença de Parkinson (oral communication)
N/A · 2006